DALIS is a secure online asset management software that gives you access your financed and owned assets data. It is a database of your asset information in a clear, succinct and easy to use format. Divided into Asset or Agreement level you can search and view your information, download reports and export data into a CSV format.
Provide us with your asset data in a pre-agreed template format. This will be checked, verified and uploaded with your own username and password per user that you require. Once uploaded, inform DALIS support of any changes to your asset data on an ongoing basis and we maintain this for you.
DALIS allows you to access your important Asset and Agreement data in one safe, secure, simple format. It saves you time amending and maintaining your asset data with DALIS support available by phone or email. It also provides an invaluable third party verification for your data.
"With over 1,500 vehicles covered by a variety of finance and operating leases, financed by several lessors over various terms, it is vital that Veolia closely controls its leasing programme. Our implementation of Dalis has given us increased visibility and control of all of our agreements and the ability to search across many fields significantly reduces query resolution times. Being web based, access to the central leasing database can be controlled across the various relevant departments allowing these departments to work together efficiently."
Alistair Wragg, Financial Controller. Veolia Environmental Services UK